JavaScript Frameworks for Every Phase of Development
Software testing is one of the most critical phases of any software development life span or cycle (SDLC). It helps easily to ensure robust software performance and high quality. With so many test cases to run in each cycle, manual tests are no longer sufficient. Consider testing frameworks — a far superior method of accomplishing the task.
As per many popular organization, Java is second most famous programming language in the world used. Approximately, there are 45 billion active Java virtual machines in the world. These figures demonstrate Java’s popularity among the developer community. And, because Java testing frameworks have recently gained popularity, this article will look at the best of them.
Benefits of Java testing frameworks
Before getting started in depth details of top java testing frameworks for 2022 onwards, let us get in detail and understand the benefits:-
Efficient Time Management: The development of a web application is a complex task, and the Java testing framework provides predefined code. As a result, it saves you time.
Security: Security is one of the most important concerns for developers all over the world, and with Java testing frameworks, you can secure your apps and quickly resolve any safety issues.
Cost-Effective: Java testing frameworks are inexpensive. The introduction of automation results in a significant reduction in maintenance and development costs.
After analyzing the basics of Java testing frameworks and their important benefits. Now it is time find in more deeper about to know and analyze frameworks and their featues, cons, pros etc.
1. Serenity
Serenity, formerly known as Thucydides, has recently become one of the most popular Java testing frameworks. The open-source framework enables you to create cleaner, more structured, and manageable acceptance criteria test cases. Furthermore, it improves the dependability and effectiveness of development.
2. Selenium
Selenium is an excellent tool for automating functional tests on websites and web applications written in our preferred language. Cross Browser Testing allows you to run automated browser tests on thousands of real mobile and desktop browsers in the cloud using Selenium and JavaScript.
3. JBehave
JBehave is one of the most talked-about Java testing frameworks right now. It supports Behavior-Driven Testing (BDD) and is used for Java testing alongside the Selenium WebDriver. The framework enables beginners to quickly become acquainted with BDD concepts.
4. JUnit
JUnit is an open-source Java testing framework that is used for unit testing by software testers all over the world. It enables Java developers to accelerate the development process while also improving code quality. Furthermore, it aids in the implementation of repeated test cases.
5. Selenide
Selenide is a popular open-source Java testing framework based on Selenium WebDriver that focuses on writing precise, communicative, and stable user interface test cases. Furthermore, the framework makes it simple to extend the WebDriver and JUnit capabilities.
6. Gauge
Gauge is a free and open-source Java-based automation testing framework that focuses on acceptance testing in a low-code environment. Gauge is the first name that comes to mind in the software testing community around the world when you want to test a mobile website.
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